LifeOS: exploring the system that executes DNA

January 23, 2010

Back in July

It all started with a minor dispute with my ISP. It escalated to me losing my connection, and having to close the bank account they were trying to suck dry, to get some peace. The peace was nice, and everytime i thought about spending money to get back online, something inside said, “Just a few more days of peace, huh?”

I got a lot done that wasn’t getting anywhere while i blogged. I rewrote the LifeOS manuscript from beginning to end, walked in the woods and read some books. Well, both the walking and reading, led to some additions to the finished rewrite.

Almost ready to publish! Here is a rough of the cover.
bookcover rough

Sorry, to those folks whose comments i didn’t answer. I am just barely keeping up with the current load.


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